70 South Street, Blue Hill, Maine
Your Community-Owned Grocery Store


Mon-Sat 8am – 8pm & Sun 8am – 6pm

Rainbow Fruit Tart (Keto or Regular)

This fruit tart is a variation of the traditional French patisserie and can be made either keto or classic. The vanilla cream is light and sweet, complementing the fresh fruit perfectly. We used the organic roasted salted mixed nuts for the keto crust, making a delicious base, the salty nuts balanced by the sweet cream. In honor of Pride Month, we arranged the fruit in a horizontal rainbow to represent the flag, but you can also set the fruit however you like and substitute any of the fruit with other varieties. Get creative!

On the Ingredients

  • Cream cheese is a fresh cheese made from milk and cream. It was first produced around 1873 by William A. Lawrence, a dairyman in Chester, New York. It’s a popular spread, especially on bagels, but it is also used in many fresh and cooked preparations, both savory and sweet. It’s also easy to make at home.

Rainbow Fruit Tart (Keto or Regular)



Prep time


Cooking time


Total time



This fruit tart is a variation of the traditional French patisserie and can be made either keto or classic. The vanilla cream is light and sweet, complementing the fresh fruit perfectly. We used the organic roasted salted mixed nuts for the keto crust, making a delicious base, the salty nuts balanced by the sweet cream. In honor of Pride Month, we arranged the fruit in a horizontal rainbow to represent the flag, but you can also set the fruit however you like and substitute any of the fruit with other varieties. Get creative!


  • Vanilla Cream Ingredients
  • 6 oz cream cheese (room temp)

  • 1 tbsp sour cream (room temp)

  • 1 1/4 cup heavy cream (room temp)

  • 1/4 cup monk fruit sweetener (keto) or sugar

  • 2 tsp vanilla

  • Keto crust ingredients
  • 1 1/2 cups of organic roasted salted mixed nuts

  • 1 cup almond flour

  • 1 tbsp monk fruit sweetener

  • 6 tbsp butter (room temp)

  • Shortbread crust ingredients
  • 1 1/4 cup flour (you can also use gluten-free flour)

  • 1/2 cup butter (chilled)

  • 1 tbsp sour cream

  • 2 tbsp sugar

  • Fruit top
  • 3 oz fresh blackberries

  • 3 oz fresh blueberries

  • 1-2 kiwi fruits (peeled and sliced)

  • 1 ripe peach or nectarine (sliced)

  • 2-3 ripe apricots (sliced)

  • 3 fresh strawberries (sliced)


  • Preheat the oven to 375°.
  • Keto Crust
  • For the keto crust, finely chop the nuts or blitz them in a food processor until they are a combination of fine and rough cut. In a bowl, combine all the ingredients and mix with your hands until you have a crumbly, cookie-like dough.
  • Put it in a pie pan or a 9-inch tart pan and use your fingers to press the crust into place until you have an even shell. Prick the bottom a few times with a fork and bake for 15 minutes or until the edge of the crust begins to brown. Take out and allow to cool.
  • Shortbread Crust
  • For the shortbread crust, combine all the dry ingredients in a bowl. Cut your butter into small pieces and mix into the flour with your hands until it’s the texture of cornmeal.
  • Put it in a pie pan or a 9-inch tart pan and use your fingers to press the crust into place until you have an even shell. Prick the bottom a few times with a fork and bake for 15 minutes or until the edge of the crust begins to brown. Take out and allow to cool.
  • Vanilla Cream
  • Make sure your cream cheese, sour cream, and heavy cream are all room temperature. It’s much easier to get a smooth filing if they are. In fact, if you have a microwave, warming the cream cheese and sour cream for 10 seconds would be a good idea. In a clean bowl, beat your heavy cream until you have soft whipped cream.
  • Add in your sugar (or monk fruit sweetener) and vanilla extract. Add the cream cheese and sour cream in a few batches, beating for a few seconds between. Once it’s all combined into a smooth mixture, add the filling to your cooled crust and smooth the top.
  • Put it in the refrigerator for a half-hour while you prep your fruit.
  • Assembly
  • While your tart chills, slice your fruit, making sure to keep everything neat and attractive.
  • When your tart is chilled, arrange your rainbow of fruit over the top, starting with blackberries, then blueberries, kiwi fruit, peaches, apricots, and ending with strawberries. Enjoy!

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