70 South Street, Blue Hill, Maine
Your Community-Owned Grocery Store


Mon-Sat 8am – 7pm & Sun 8am – 6pm

The Sweet Part is What Happens When We Work Together

Become an Owner

You Own it

What it Means to be an Owner

Everyone is welcome at the Blue Hill Co-op, but our owners are our community’s heart.

Cooperatives are member-owned, member-governed businesses that operate for the benefit of their members (owners) according to common principles agreed upon by the international cooperative community. There are many types of co-ops, from consumer-owned retail food co-ops to credit unions to worker-owned co-ops. By becoming an owner, you contribute to the Co-op’s financial stability by adding to the amount of owner equity we manage and hold in savings.

Co-ops are owned by their members which is why many co-ops refer to their members as owners, promoting a sense of identity with ownership. In order to become an owner, one must invest in the Co-op by purchasing equity. One does not need to be an owner to shop at the Co-op. Everyone is welcome.

Blue Hill Co-op owners invest equity in our Co-op. Equity is a financial share in our store that can be used to finance, improve, and grow the business if needed. The Blue Hill Co-op tracks and saves equity separately from our store profits. Unlike an annual membership fee, which is the non-refundable cost to use a service or in this case to shop at a store, equity is an investment that can be refunded (minus a $10 processing fee) should a person wish to end their Co-op ownership for any reason. 

Once you are fully vested, having paid $200 in equity, you will not be asked to make any further annual payments to maintain your ownership in the Blue Hill Co-op. 


Vote in the Annual Election

The Co-op is democratically run. One ownership receives one vote. Owners can run for a position on the Board of Directors.

WebCart Account

Owners can save payment information, look up past orders, create shopping lists, and apply their sale event discount to online orders.

Working Owner Program

Owners have the option of volunteering 2-4 hours a month to earn an everyday discount.

Special Orders

Receive a 15% discount on shelf prices when buying by the case and 20% off vitamins ordered in quantities of 3 or more.

Monthly Bonus Buys

Co-op owners may take advantage of the Pink tag owner-only sale items.

Sale Events

Co-op Owners get 10% off the transaction of their choice during special sales events.

Opportunities to Save

Being an owner is about more than saving money but as an owner you will have more opportunities to do so. 

  • The Quarterly Sale Weeks 
  • Owner Bonus Buys 
  • Special Orders Case Discounts
  • Opportunity To Earn a Working-Owner Discount 

Sale Weeks

During our quarterly sales events, Co-op owners have one week to get 10% off the transaction of their choice.* In this way, you can choose the best time during the week to enjoy your discount. We have four scheduled sale weeks but sometimes have surprise sale weeks at other times.

2025 Sale Dates

Spring Equinox Sale ~ March 16-22

Summer Solstice Sale ~ June 15-21

Autumn Equinox Sale ~ Sept 21 – 27

Winter Solstice Sale ~ Dec  21 – 27

How to Join

Owners invest a total of $200 in equity. This can be paid in one lump sum, or $20 annually for 10 years.

You may enjoy all the benefits of ownership as soon as the first payment is made and your application is processed. Once the equity is fully paid, you’re a fully vested owner.

Ask a cashier for an application at the register. 


When you become a Blue Hill Co-op owner, you help support:

  • your local community’s economy

  • fair wages & good working conditions for farmers and field workers

  • local producers in Maine and New England

  • sustainable production and practices

  • healthier ways of growing food with less impact on the environment

  • better quality foods and ingredients

Ways to Participate

Unlike casual shoppers, many owners like to be active participants in the Co-op. Owners play a part in the Co-op community not only by shopping with us but also by subscribing to our newsletter, engaging in our social media, offering suggestions to management, electing board members, participating in special events, and attending board meetings. Another way owners can become more active is to join the Working Owner Program. Working-owners can earn a 10% discount by working 2-4 hours monthly at the Co-op. Typical working-owner tasks include helping with the newsletter, enriching our social media with online classes, garden maintenance, and assisting at special events.

Maria Kolenda
Maria KolendaCo-op Owner
Being a co-op owner represents a real investment in our community and shared values. It's about our connection to this place, the earth, and each other. We can see these connections to the organic farmers, as we enjoy the bountiful, diverse, and delicious results of their careful labor - all at the Blue Hill Co-op! These shared values related to caring about our planet are also reflected in the thoughtful design of the Co-op environment itself - from the solar panels and energy monitoring, to the displayed artwork and community bulletin boards. I appreciate the types and quality of products, and what is visibly celebrated at the co-op through community displays and 'rounding up' to give to local organizations doing great work in our area. I enjoy the engaging newsletter highlighting sales, fun recipes, and local events. Finally, it's all about the *people* who keep this amazing place running - the employees and volunteers seem to genuinely care about their work and each other - and that makes a difference in how we all experience visiting our Co-op.​
Eileen (aka Red)
Eileen (aka Red)Co-op Owner
From the first time I walked into the Co-op, I was hooked. I realize I'm dating myself, but the Co-op is my "Cheers" (cue the theme song) "Sometimes you want to go Where everybody knows your name And they're always glad you came" Although as a Co-op owner you are issued a "number", the staff takes the time to know your name (or better yet, give you a nickname) and you are treated like family. The genuine kindness and caring from Cat, Donna, Chris and everyone is heartwarming and for me well worth the 70 mile round trip ride.
Charles Riggs
Charles RiggsCo-op Owner
I am 70 miles away but the co-op is our main store. I owe the store. I am so glad they are there. Make it there once a week. Only place for A2 protein whole milk yogurt without additives. Only place for good goat milk and cheese. Only place for good organic avocados that don't turn brown from mishandling. Great bulk items.
Anne Walker
Anne WalkerCo-op Owner
Your Store. Local, vocal, a store to recall.
Sandra Y. Hill
Sandra Y. HillCo-op Owner
Being a co-op owner means that l am a part of something bigger than myself. While in Blue Hill on business, I was told of this co-op and because I practice a plant-based lifestyle, it was what I needed. I find it difficult to find places to shop for the foods that support this. I found everything that I needed during my visit.

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