The Co-op’s roots began in the winter of 1974. A handful of people were interested in starting a buying club to bring organic vegetables to the Blue Hill peninsula at a time when they were unavailable in grocery stores. After deliveries of perishable produce began to arrive in the area, a bulk grain order was added to the offerings. These early efforts took a lot of organizing because each item that was purchased came in a 50lb bag, which then needed to be divided amongst members. However, the early membership reveled in the opportunity to spend many hours together working towards the common cause of good food.

In time, this small and loosely organized group of pioneers realized they could secure higher quality food at better prices if the burden of the work could be shared among more members. Word spread throughout the community and in just over a year, the Co-op’s membership had reached 100.
In these early stages, people drove empty rented trucks as far afield as Boston and then returned having filled them with grains and fresh produce. The trucks were then unloaded at various peoples' houses. Unloading spots changed from month to month, but one location was a residence that is now the Barncastle restaurant and, for a time, the Co-op operated out of the barn located behind 50 Main Street.
By 1977, there were monthly deliveries to the North Blue Hill Grange (now the Halcyon Grange).
The official “Articles of Incorporation” were signed in February of 1979 offering more structure to the Co-op’s inner workings.
By the early 1980s, there were so many families involved in the Co-op that it became necessary to split into two groups. A group on the north side of Blue Hill continued to use the North Blue Hill Grange for deliveries, and members who lived on the south side of Blue Hill operated out of what is now the Sedgwick Redemption Center. A produce order would be delivered once a month and a grain order was made less frequently.
Eventually, the two groups merged once again. The Co-op began to experiment with buying more than its members wanted to purchase. The excess was then sold to whoever wanted it. The Co-op also expanded its offerings, bringing in organic dairy products, smoked meats, seafood and bread. The membership was further invigorated by their success in pushing suppliers to order organic foods from far-flung communities in the rural areas of Maine.

For several years, the Co-op rented a space that had once served as a schoolhouse in Sedgwick. In 1991, the first paid manager was hired and the store purchased its first cash register. However, the store remained a bare bones operation. A variety of donated freezers and refrigerators were put into use, and volunteers installed shelving to display food for sale to its customers.
The store was open several days a week, although lack of funding kept the store from becoming very well stocked and hours were erratic. In 1992, a rent reduction from $500 to $400 a month provided a great relief.
Even with these difficulties, membership swelled to over a thousand and the Co-op became a location for a farmers’ market. The first Co-op newsletter was sent out during these Sedgwick years.

Although more and more families were using the Co-op, it was becoming apparent to many that the store was not very conveniently located. Often, people would come far out of their way to shop, but the volunteer staffing scheduled for that day would fail to show. There was a division among its members about whether the Co-op should remain a buying club or open a storefront.
After many heated conversations, the decision was made to move the Co-op into a storefront. A small but suitable rental was found in downtown Blue Hill, at the base of Greens Hill and a lease was signed in the spring of 1993. At that point, the store only occupied a small portion of the current building footprint. In its new space, the Co-op increased the number and regularity of its hours, but the offerings were still quite slim. Despite this, the Co-op’s new store thrived and was soon ready to take over one of the other adjacent rental spaces.

In 1995, the store underwent the first of several expansions. With many helping hands, a center stairwell was relocated and walk-in coolers were installed. Pain de Famille, a local bakery, subleased a portion of the store, drawing even more customers. Although crowded into this space, the Co-op continued to flourish, serving as a meeting place for residents and meeting their needs for healthy, local, organic and whole foods.
In 1999, the first credit card machine was installed after a bit of a fuss from some long-standing members.
When the local homeopath’s office to the far right of the building was vacated in 2001, a second expansion took place and the Co-op opened its own café. The Co-op also got its first computer this year.
In 2006, the Co-op joined NCG, National Co-op Grocers (at the time NCGA). NCG is a business services cooperative for retail food co-ops located throughout the United States. They help train, advise, support, and improve food co-ops around the country.

The Co-op Board announced the first Blue Hill Co-op mission statement in the spring newsletter. They took on the task of clearly stating the reason for the co-op's existence and place in the community. In other news, the store used printed shelf tags for the first time, freeing staff from the need to price each item individually.
Also in 2007, the Co-op's website went live!
Though there had been rumblings about the need to move to a newer, more spacious location, the first step in the process was a Marketing/Feasibility survey done in 2008 to assess the option of relocating.
A relocation committee was formed and began considering various sites as possible new locations for a future building.
Also in 2010, the Co-op started using social media to reach our owners and customers.
The Relocation Committee began scouting for potential relocation sites.

A site was nominally found and design work started to determine costs and feasibility.

In the autumn of 2014, the Co-op officially purchased 5.5 acres of unimproved land on South Street as a home for the relocation.
Also in 2014, the Relocation Committee surveyed over 500 owners for opinions on the relocation and future direction of the Co-op.

The Co-op began a capital campaign, raising money via the sale of preferred shares. Owners responded well! By the end of the year, we sold almost $160,000 in preferred shares.

By January 2018, the Co-op's Capital Campaign had raised over $1 million. Fundraising and planning continued over the year and, in September, we broke ground at 70 South Street. By the end of the year, the foundation was finished!

On July 27, Blue Hill Co-op opened the doors of 70 South Street for a soft opening, but there were some wrinkles still to be ironed out. Once that happened, the Grand Opening Celebration was held on August 10! The solar array was installed that winter. 2019 ended with the Co-op’s new location exceeding all expectations for growth in capital and community, and it’s still growing to this day.

Initially, it seemed as though the solar array project would need to be delayed until additional funding could be secured. But, thanks to a grant and a generous owner's donation, the solar array was fully funded and installation began in the autumn of 2019. The work was done by a fellow cooperative, ReVision Energy. The work was completed that winter and the 414 solar panels went live on December 16, 2019. In a year, our 414 solar panels generate enough power to: brew 7,828,640 cups of coffee, bake 183,483 chocolate chip cookies, light a home with LED lightbulbs for 244 Years, cook 440,361 bowls of chili, offset driving the perimeter of the United States 36 times, keep 143,998 pounds of carbon out of the atmosphere.

When the COVID-19 Pandemic started in early 2020, the Co-op began taking extra precautions early on. We implemented masks, sanitation stations, sneeze gaurds at the register, and closed the bulk bins, hot bar, and café seating. For the immuno-compromised people in our community, we first set up a simple online form for purchasing offsite and curbside pickup. Shortly thereafter we launched WebCart, our fully intregated online shopping platform. Briefly, we closed the Co-op to shoppers and used only WebCart, but the logistics were not navigable so instead we implemented limitations on the number of shoppers in the building and closed for an hour midday to sanitize surfaces throughout the store. Over the next two years, the Co-op coninued to stay abreast of the ever changing regulations and precautions, adjusting our practices accordingly. The Pandemic was a scary time for everyone but we weathered it as a community.

This year we're celebrating the amazing achievment of reaching our 50th anniversary!