70 South Street, Blue Hill, Maine
Your Community-Owned Grocery Store


Mon-Sat 8am – 7pm & Sun 8am – 6pm

Contact Us

Blue Hill Co-op

70 South Street

Blue Hill, ME 04614

Store 207-374-2165

Café Direct 207-374-3516

Are you a local organization looking for a donation or sponsorship? Please use the button below!

Have questions or feedback? Contact our team by filling out the form below.


Looking for a Particular Department?

Kevin Gadsby, General Managergm@bluehill.coop

Chris Curro, Grocery Managergrocery@bluehill.coop

Vinnie Coletti, Produce Manager: produce@bluehill.coop

Lynn Arnold, Meat Buyer: meat@bluehill.coop

Café Manager: cafe@bluehill.coop

Carrie Gray, Bulk Manager: bulk@bluehill.coop

David Walker, Wellness Buyer: haba@bluehill.coop

Robin Byrne, Cheese Manager: cheese@bluehill.coop

John McClement, Beer and Wine Manager: beer.wine@bluehill.coop

Lynn Arnold, General Merchandise buyer: general.merchandise@bluehill.coop

Cat McNeal, Front End Manager: frontend@bluehill.coop

Kipp Hopkins, Marketing Managermarketing@bluehill.coop

Sarah Scamperle, Art Show Coordinator: social@bluehill.coop

Jennifer Coolidge, Ownership & Events Coordinator: ownership@bluehill.coop

Patrick Harris, Receiver: receiving@bluehill.coop

Brian Emerson, Facilities Manager: facilities@bluehill.coop

Anita Kimball, WebCart Coordinator: webcart@bluehill.coop

Joey Jett, IT Systems Coordinator: techsupport@bluehill.coop

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