70 South Street, Blue Hill, Maine
Your Community-Owned Grocery Store


Mon-Sat 8am – 7pm & Sun 8am – 6pm

Art in the Café

A Community Art Space

Local Artists of all Styles

Every month, the Blue Hill Co-op features a local artist in the café. You may see paintings, photography, textiles, felted pieces, or any other type of visual art. We’re proud to showcase artists from the Blue Hill Peninsula and to help people find new additions to their personal collections.

This Month's Featured Art Show is Kristie Billings


Kristie Billings was born and raised on Deer Isle. Kristie comes from a long line of lovers of the sea. She is: a poet, a collector, and an observer. Kristie tends to gravitate to things others may pass by, and that some may find unsettling. "Life and art are sometimes uncomfortable. I like it when both make me take notice, hold my breath, and stand straighter." This show is called “Minus Something” it consists of all black and white film photography. Kristie shoots 35mm and 120mm film. Kristie has had her work shown at the Deer Isle Artists Association in numerous different shows, Ronald Harte's Art and Antique Gallery, solo exhibition at the Blue Hill Public Library, Shaw Gallery in Northeast Harbor, Friends of the Brooklin Public Library, and also was a featured artist for the Word Literary Arts Festival in Blue Hill, and others. Kristie also is the proud author of Sea Witch Photography and Poetry Forget-Me-Nots From a Mainer Growing Up published by Seapoint Books and Media LLC.

Last Month's Artist was Catharine Lentz

Upcoming Shows

April: Wendilee Heath O’Brien

May: Rockweed Forum Art Show

June: Reversing Falls Art Show

July: Lyra Carter

Are You a Local Artist?

We’re currently scheduling for spring, 2026.

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